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« : 21.10.2019 09:44 »
I know you know what a LAN (Local Area network) is and a WLAN (Wireless Local Area network) but do you know what a WPAN is?..?

A WPAN is a personal area network which uses Bluetooth technology to connect everything from cell phones and ear pieces to key boards and desktops.

When most people think of wireless they will think about Wifi hot spots or wireless routers. Bluetooth acts like wireless wire connecting components over ashort distant.

One of the biggest booms of Bluetooth technology is Bluetooth enabled phones that give you the ability to connect to your computer wirelessly or to your Bluetooth ear piece in you car. Other quick examples of Bluetooth networking is wireless keyboards and mice.

Bluetooth travels at 1mbps and has a max distance of about 5-10 meters. 1mbps does not seem very fast but it is three times faster that a serial port.

WPAN's (Wireless Personal area networks) are all around you and they will become more and more common. Desktop computers with Bluetooth enabled keyboards and mice combined with a cell phone that syncs your data.

A new use of PAN's is in the hospital industry where Bluetooth technology is helping doctors monitor patients. Bluetooth gives the hospital staff more freedom to treat a patient when not having to trip on or untangle wires.

Because blue tooth enabled devices can communicate with each other life saving equipment will be able to more effectively monitor changes in a patients condition.

The military is also experimenting with Bluetooth devices and PAN networking in creating smart suits for the battle field. A soldier armed with a blue tooth enabled SAT Phone Cheap Packers Hats , Bluetooth head set and Bluetooth laptop, can communicate with anyone in the world. The most important thing is that the soldier won't have a million wires to connect and get in his way during battle.

As Bluetooth technology gains popularity the issue of security will have to be addressed. Virus writers have already made cell phone proof of concept viruses and have actually infected a few phones.

Bluetooth does have many built in features which help protect a user from being hacked. First is distance, unlike WI-FI Bluetooth travel only at most 10 meters. Next Cheap Packers Hoodie , Bluetooth uses frequency hopping and 128 encryption can be enabled. Other features of Bluetooth are built in PIN numbers to verify who they are communicating with and block other devices from connecting. More and more devices will become Bluetooth enabled such and your car radios and home appliances. Bluetooth enabled cars and appliances will be able to connect to your home network or cell phone and notify you when they need repairs or to give you status updates.

Intimus Set to Release the Intimus 60cc3 Pro Cross-Cut Shredder - 230V Technology Articles | September 20, 2011
Intimus? 60cc3 Pro Shredder - 230V is equipped with the EcoLogic energy management system as a standard feature. Time-responsive electronics put the shredder into "sleep mode" after it has been ...

Intimus? 60cc3 Pro Shredder - 230V is equipped with the EcoLogic energy management system as a standard feature. Time-responsive electronics put the shredder into "sleep mode" after it has been idle for some time, automatically reducing its power usage to zero. This eliminates the extravagant power consumption of the stand-by mode. Simply touch the i-control? center button and the operational status is instantly restored. The intimus? PRO data shredder series guards against jamming of the cutting unit and stoppage with the DLS Dynamic-Load-Sensor. DLS detects the paper volume as it is fed into the cutting unit. The result of this measurement is communicated to the user by changing colors; like traffic lights Cheap Packers T-Shirts , of a light strip in the paper feed area. Tests have proved that the color change of the dynamic load sensor quickly sensitizes the user to a balanced in-feed of paper. The feed slot for CDs, plastic cards, or diskettes is designed to take only the maximum amount allowed. Intimus? 60cc3 Pro have an array of practical features complementing their versatile options of use. By means of 2 x 2 cut & collect Packers Customized Jersey , both types of shredded material are kept completely separate: cutting units and collecting bins for paper - and separate ones for compact data carriers - enabling environmentally-friendly disposal. The intimus? PRO shredder series features Silentec?, a completely new design of the bearing of the cutting head that results in maximum absorption of the variations generated during shredding. Intimus? PRO data shredders not only rank among the most silent models in their class - courtesy of Silentec? - but the sound pattern is also acoustically pleasing. Thanks to this design, an intimus? PRO data shredder never creates a noise disturbance Packers Inverted Jerseys , wherever it may be. Intimus? PRO shredders are supported by i-control?, the heart of the technical concept, that controls the shredder's functions and provides a visual information center for maximum clarity in operator guidance. In standby mode the intimus? PRO data shredder switches on and off again automatically via a light barrier. The ergonomically designed function buttons are used to switch the shredder on and off Za'Darius Smith Packers Jersey , to clear any paper jams and to program additional functions such as access protection.

Quick Overview * 60cc3 Pro Cross-Cut Shredder - 230V * SPECIAL VOLTAGE UNIT - 230V * The multi-functional shredder destroys paper, cds, dvds Billy Turner Packers Jersey , floppy disks, staples, paper clips and credit cards. * Integrated Auto Reverse Function for easy removal of jammed paper. * 2x2 cut & collect: separate cutting blocks for digital media incl. catchbasket. * Material: shock resistant plastic Adrian Amos Packers Jersey , wood * Dustproof enclosed cabinet * Mounted on rollers for flexible use

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